We hold that the Bible, as originally written, is the inspired, inerrant word of God.
The Bible is God's verbally and fully inspired standard for all pre-existing eras and lives. We consider the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit to be the three persons that make up the Godhead. We hold that God is the sole and ultimate Creator of the universe, and that God gave the universe its first breath.
We hold that God sent Christ into the world to save sinners on His own free will because of His great love for people. We consider Jesus Christ to be both God and man at the time of his human incarnation. He was crucified, offered as a sacrifice for sin, and resurrected physically three days later. Jesus lived a sinless life and was born of a virgin. He then ascended to the right hand of the Father, where He now resides as the head of the church, intercedes for His followers, and will one day return personally, physically, and visibly to inaugurate His millennial reign.
We hold that the death and shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, who was made a curse for us by the law, perfectly atoned for sin. This plain and obvious idea is the basis for the redemption and justification of men. This fundamental and crucial tenet serves as the foundation for humanity's salvation and justification. We believe that only grace can bring about this kind of redemption, which is unrelated to good works, baptism, church attendance, or human effort. It includes the promise of eternal life, the gift of a new nature, and the forgiveness of sins. Sin can impede a sincere believer's enjoyment of their relationship with God, leading to the loving correction of their heavenly Father. On the other hand, we believe that a sincere believer is secure in his salvation and cannot be lost.
We hold that anyone who receives Christ becomes His co-heir, and that after death, their souls travel to live in conscious bliss with Him. They will live in God's presence forever after the rapture, in a body that will be changed into a likeness of His magnificent body.
We hold that everyone who receives Christ becomes a co-heir with Him, and that after death, their souls join Him in conscious bliss. They will live in God's presence forever after the rapture, in a body that will be changed into a likeness of His magnificent body.
Our firm conviction is that every Christian should strive to follow in the footsteps of Jesus. This can be done by developing their spiritual maturity through familiarity with and adherence to the Bible, as well as by yielding to the Holy Spirit. The Spirit dwells within, and seals every believer at the moment of salvation. Believers should recognize and yearn for the fullness of the Spirit because it is His influence that will enable Christians to live victorious lives on earth. We believe that every true Christian should actively participate in a local church because it is the primary setting for spiritual growth and societal influence under the guidance of God.
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